Friday, October 7, 2011

Real life and the internet…..

            Well, we completed another step today. (This is Jason by the way!) We met with a social worker at an adoption agency today regarding our home study. It was quite unplanned which might have been a good thing. After speaking with her regarding setting up an appointment in two weeks, we all decided we could meet today and the next thing you know, we were headed downtown. It was a very wonderful experience. They are a non-profit, so there was no pressure at all. She answered our questions and went way above and beyond the 30 minute consultation they regularly provide (she spent about 90 minutes with us!). This was great, but I think the fact that she listened to our questions and provided the answers we needed made it even more productive.

Moral of the story for today: sometimes the things you read on the internet are wrong. I know, many of you don’t believe me regarding that statement, but after speaking with her we do feel the home study can be accomplished! Plus, it can be completed without us wanting to pull our hair out or just give up on this all together. I think the home study will not be as daunting as it appeared at first. It also helps we are not being forced to rush through it. I just am glad to say that my fears of the home study I spoke about in the previous post are much better now. It will be a lot of work and require a large amount of time, but I guess I should remember something a couple of you have reminded me of: Nothing worth anything comes easily.  

Then as we finished our meeting, she mentioned that it is really unfair how social workers/adoption agencies are made to be the evil ones on the television shows. Anthony spoke up to agree, reminding me as to how I analyze the fact the medical terms, equipment and actions are so far off as well. So, we have another moral for the day: Don’t trust what you see on TV. I guess most of these morals and statements are pretty common sense, but it is great to see them in real life.

 So, yes, it is a positive day. We are moving along toward the eventual goal, so each step is one step closer. Today has been very productive and I am sure there are many more to come. J


Brekke said...

I am so glad to hear that things went better than you expected! I know that you guys can accomplish the home study (c'mon, Anthony's involved, of COURSE you can do it!). And trust me, one of the things that we work on teaching K is that everything she sees and hears on TV isn't true and the Internet can be just as wrong. :D

Drea said...

I was told there are 3 home studies to be done before an approval. I cannot get mine done yet because the child in question has not been born yet. Good luck to you!

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