Monday, September 26, 2011

We're not in Kansas anymore Toto

Good early morning to everyone. It’s just after 2 am (this is Anthony BTW), and I find myself wide awake and unable to sleep. Is this what parenthood is all about? Guess it’s never too early to start practicing. Yesterday was the big announcement, and today we start down the yellow-brick road toward the Emerald City. Why the Wizard of Oz references you may ask? Well, there are two main reasons. First, I feel like I went to bed last night in my normal world (Kansas), and today am waking up in a strange land (Munchkin Land). This new land has so many unanswered questions and unknown variables that it almost feels out of control. And if anyone knows me…..I like to be in control. For the first time, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I can’t figure out every exact step in advance and plan out my every move. There are so many “what ifs” that it is almost overwhelming. Yet, despite all of this uncertainness, I have hope. I have hope that as I travel down this road, I will uncover the true path I am supposed to follow. I have hope that with the love and support of everyone around me, I’ll make it through the dark times to come. I have hope that I will make it to the Emerald City, and the Wizard will grant me a family. So, I ask as you read this to be my scarecrow….my tin man… lion….and follow the yellow-brick road with me arm-in-arm as we make our way toward the finish line. Thanks for listening, and remember there’s no place like home (especially when you have a baby to come home to).

Oh yeah – I almost forgot. The second reason there are so many Wizard of Oz references in this post is that we are going to see Wicked in a few weeks. It’s a great musical and I highly recommend it. LOL

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