Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's only been six weeks....

It's only been six weeks since we officially started our adoption journey. Six short weeks. Yet, I sit here and am in awe of what we have accomplished during this short period of time.

1. We met with a lawyer to discuss our legal options.
2. Developed a blog and Facebook Page.
3. Decided that adoption was the path we would choose.
4. Joined Families for Private Adoption (FPA is an advocacy group for private adoption)
5. Made contacts within FPA and got some great feedback from current members.
6. Researched adoption topics via the Internet, books/articles, & talking to other adoptive parents
7. Visited several Adoption Agencies and attended orientations sessions
8. Applied with an Adoption Agency to perform our home study
9. Scheduled our first home study visit
10. Made reservations to attend an Adoption Workshop presented by FPA

What will the next six weeks bring? I'm excited to find out, and can't wait to see the progress we will make. 



Vanessa Tabor Sharp said...

Wow, Anthony. That's major progress for just 6 short weeks! I hope things go well with the home study. Thanks for keeping us posted on this journey.

heather said...

you're hard at work. all this work will pay off in the end. yall deserve it!!!

Anthony said...

Thanks Vanessa and Heather! It's nice to know I've got readers out there supporting me. :-)

Help Us Reach Our Dream

Those who know us understand how hard we have worked to achieve our educational and financial goals. Unfortunately, the staggering costs of this adventure are becoming more apparent and overwhelming the further we explore our options. If your heart is so inclined, please give what you can to help us achieve our dream by clicking the DONATE button below. Thank you so much for your support.

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